Thursday, April 16, 2009


9 : Times I've read If You Give a Pig a Pancake to my
2: Times I've tried to hide this same book
2: The number of copies we own. Ellie always knows where the extra one is.
1: Number of nursing covers I sewed on my own today
0: Times I jammed my sewing machine-this is a huge improvement
536: Words in my essay due tonight
7: Times I've been on facebook today...sigh
4: Nights before preschool is back from Spring Break
27: Kids whose faces I can't wait to see!
1: Piece of cake that I'll be eating tonight...thank you James!


Murdoc said...

I was waiting for... _ times I've thanked God for my husband. It wasn't there?

miss jessica said...

That's because there are too many times to count :)