Friday, July 3, 2009

Power Tools and Curtains Rods

Ben is gone until Saturday afternoon.

Whenever Ben is gone, I try to accomplish something. This time, I decided that I would hang a curtain rod in our bedroom. This task first required me figuring out how to use Ben's drill. Yes, it's a power tool, and yes, I figured it out after about 10 minutes...all on my own. No, I didn't ask for permission, and yes, it usually makes him nervous when I touch his drill. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, the huge protruding mass on my belly is a baby that is about to pop out very soon. So, me and my big belly are highly impatient because its hot and I just want things "done". The curtain rod is "done", though I can't boast that it is level. Measuring takes time that I don't want to spend. I'd rather play Snood on my computer.

I hope Ben likes it :)


Murdoc said...

I like it. By the way, I'm bleeding because of the needles you put in the curtains.

scoeyd said...

Needles in curtains?

shontell said...

Needles? What is happening? Jessica, did I not walk you through this simple process?

miss jessica said...

Haha..okay, Shontell, so the curtains were pre-existing...I didn't make these ones. I needed to shorten them because they were super long. I didn't feel like sewing that night, so I just pinned them. So now there are a bazillion pins in the curtains! :)