Monday, March 23, 2009

What's the point?

What's the point of spring break if all of your normal assignments & quizes are due on the first Monday back? Don't they know I don't read their nonsense on spring break? College professors can be lame.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have a confession to make. Up until yesterday evening, I had never been to a real basketball game in my life. For real. My dad used to watch the Chicago Bulls on tv and yell loudly, and I was just not interested in it. Last night, Ben and I went to watch a UNR basketball game...thanks for the tickets, Matt. It was a lot of fun. It was even better since UNR won the game. I liked watching the is probably one of my all time favorite passtimes. Ben thinks I'm bad at it because I stare. I think I'm good at it because I stare. Anyway, I liked the noise and the energy, and I especially liked being on a date with my hubby (two nights in a row, might I add...thanks Weezer x2). I would definitely go to another game some day!