Monday, January 19, 2009

Peanut Butter

So apparently my organic creamy peanut butter AND my organic crunchy peanut butter are among the lists and lot #'s that were recalled with the recent salmonella sad.

Friday, January 9, 2009


My little Ellie girl is sleeping in her toddler bed right now. We bought one a few weeks back from a lady on Craigslist. It is really cute, but it needs to be painted to match the rest of her furniture. Anyway, it's been sitting in her room with blankets on it for the past few weeks. She occasionally plays on it, but that's about it. Ben is gone tonight "jamming" with the guys, and I played with Ellie in her room. She kept climbing into her toddler bed and laying down. In fact, she wanted to do everything in it books, play with her farm house, play with teddy. So, I thought, "well, maybe she wants to try it out!" So, I put her down in the toddler bed tonight. She's been asleep since 7:30 (it's now 8:48).

I have mixed feelings:

1. How long is this going to last? I keep expecting to see her little face pop through my door at any minute, with a charming "mama!" She may be back in her crib before long. If so...that's okay!

2. This is my baby and I feel kinda sad that she is not in her crib. She's slept in it since day 1. I know she has to grow up eventually, but it's still a bit sad, and happy, all at the same time.

On another note, Ellie has taken a fancy to repeating whatever Ben says. I suppose we need to be more careful now about the words we speak. So far this week, she has repeated "butt-hole" and "munch" (from the latin root-word butt-munch). I think we are going to have to limit the number of times we use the word "douche" as well. This could be hard :)